Sunday, February 6, 2011

Monster Island

I never was a particular fan of zombies, but this story held my interest anyways.  I liked the pacing within the book and how situations of the characters were represented.  An example would how it would portray Gary's state of mind and how he interacted with the other zombies, as well as his own particular state of being. Dekalb's situation is interesting in a sense that he's taken prisoner by a Somalian woman leader and is forced into going to zombie-ridden New York to get them medicine/drugs.  I liked the fact that all the countries excluding the 3rd world ones were infected and overridden with zombies.  It gave it a nice change of setting, instead of having started in familiar territory (like New York).

I enjoyed the writing style of the book as well, having short chapters with a good amount of detail, but nothing overly flowery in terms of descriptions.  So, the story was a pretty clean read that was written with some thought and maturity. 

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