Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Stars My Destination

The Stars my Destination is a book that I think was a bit different from what I have read previously.  For one, the main character, Foyle, isn't much of a hero at the beginning.  He's actually just kind of mean and does whatever he wants, though he has a reason.  I think that his character really describes how hell-bent someone can get on getting revenge.  I think the way he speaks also is a trait that you usually don't find in a  main character, cause he's not very intelligent, though he has power over people once he puts his mind to it.
The jaunting aspect of the novel was a bit confusing at first but I caught on to what it was a little bit after. I think that Foyle having the ultimate kind of jaunt was a interesting extra on the story, cause such an ordinary man ended up having this awesome power.  Also throguhout the book, Foyle holding in or hiding his emotions so the tatoos he gained at the beginning don't appear as much.

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